Honoring Veterans and Military Families in Hampden County, MA

Hampden County, located in western Massachusetts, is home to a large population of veterans and military families. As an expert in this community, I have seen firsthand the numerous community events held throughout the year to honor and support these brave individuals. From parades and ceremonies to educational workshops and social gatherings, there is something for everyone in Hampden County.

Parades and Ceremonies

One of the most popular events for veterans and military families in Hampden County is the annual Veterans Day Parade. Held in downtown Springfield, this parade honors all those who have served in the armed forces.

It features marching bands, military vehicles, and floats representing different branches of the military. The parade also includes a wreath-laying ceremony at the Soldiers' Home in Holyoke, a retirement community for veterans. In addition to the Veterans Day Parade, there are several other parades and ceremonies held throughout the year to honor veterans. These include Memorial Day parades in various towns throughout Hampden County, as well as ceremonies on Independence Day and Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

Workshops and Educational Events

For veterans and military families looking to further their education or career opportunities, there are several workshops and educational events held in Hampden County. The Western Massachusetts Veterans Expo is an annual event that brings together resources and information for veterans on topics such as education, employment, healthcare, and housing.

This event also includes workshops on resume building, job searching, and financial planning. The Springfield Vet Center also hosts monthly workshops on topics such as PTSD, anger management, and coping with grief. These workshops are open to both veterans and their families and provide valuable resources for those struggling with mental health issues.

Social Gatherings

In addition to parades and educational events, there are also social gatherings held for veterans and military families in Hampden County. The Holyoke Soldiers' Home hosts a monthly coffee hour for veterans and their families to come together and socialize. This is a great opportunity for veterans to connect with others who have shared experiences and build a sense of community. The Springfield Vet Center also hosts a monthly movie night for veterans and their families.

This is a fun and relaxed event where attendees can enjoy a movie, snacks, and conversation with others in the veteran community.

Support Groups

For veterans and military families who may be struggling with mental health issues or adjusting to civilian life, there are several support groups available in Hampden County. The Springfield Vet Center offers support groups for veterans dealing with PTSD, substance abuse, and military sexual trauma. These groups provide a safe and confidential space for individuals to share their experiences and receive support from others who understand. The Holyoke Soldiers' Home also offers support groups for family members of veterans, providing them with resources and guidance on how to best support their loved ones.


Hampden County, MA is a community that truly values and supports its veterans and military families. From parades and ceremonies to educational workshops and social gatherings, there are numerous events held throughout the year to honor and show appreciation for these brave individuals.

These events not only bring the community together but also provide valuable resources and support for those who have served our country.